Ileana Dregert „I hope…“
widmete ihr Bild dem Überlebenden des Arbeitslagers Magdeburg, Nathan Shapow.
Ihre Beschreibung des Bildes:
“So they gave each one of us, who looked healthy [...] a whole wagon with coal [...] to enload [...]. I could do it, but some people couldn‘t [...] so I went to help them [...]“
I chose the contemporary witness and survivor Nathan Shapow, because he experienced the terrible effects of the war already as a child and had to watch how innocent people were cruelly killed day by day. He was sent to various camps and forced to work under awful conditions.
My artwork shows a scene from the Magdeburg labour camp. The prisoners had to load coal from trains and some of them were too weak to carry the heavy lumps due to hunger, which is why they often collapsed. That they were not punished and beaten up by the guards, the fellow prisoners helped them.
I was emotionally very touched by this scene and his story in general, because it shows how these innocent, imprisoned people, despite their own need, never hesitated to help eachother and even put themselves in greatest danger. This charity is simply overwhelming and inspiring . Especially since the world was filled with so much hatred.
That is why I tried to express this glimmer of hope in my painting through the sky.
Ileana Dregert
Elissa Dregert „Hold me!“
hat sich mit der tragischen und herzzerreißenden Lebensgeschichte von Paula Lebovics beschäftigt, die als junges Mädchen auf brutale Art aus Ihrer Kindheit gerissen wurde.
Elissas Resume zu ihrer Darstellung:
The heart-breaking story of Paula Lebovics touched me enormously and inspired me for my artwork. She got pulled out of her previous and flawless life like any
other child in her age. Darkness is occupying her fate and demolishes every single glimmer of hope for a peaceful future. On my picture, she is watching
herself in undisturbed occasions.
We must fight any kind of intolerance, hate and violence so that the cruel history won't repeat itself.
Elissa L. Dregert